Five things on a Friday

1) This red-breasted nuthatch has been a regular visitor at my feeders.    IMG_0002

2) Son T was on CNN! That’s his red plaid shirt and voice measuring the turtle:

3) He was also in a very short video someone at work made to explain the stranding of sea turtles on the Cape:

4) I’m having fun knitting for my sister’s 6-month old and my brother’s upcoming new addition. Little projects are fun!

5) My first book for the year is Marcus Zusack’s The Underdog. This is the book that comes before Fighting Ruben Wolfe, and Getting the Girl, both of which I love. 

The first line is great (and the rest of it; I’m almost done.)
“We were watching the telly when we decided to rob the dentist.”

I recommend this whole trilogy.